Diabetes diagnosis

Several weeks ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. At first, I was pretty upset, but realized that this might have been the kick in the butt I needed to live a healthier life. I stopped eating sugar, started counting carbs, stopped eating out, and made major changes. Here I am seven weeks later…..26 lbs lighter, feeling so much better than I have felt in a long time. In fact, almost all of my hip pain is gone. I can walk now without limping and/or having pain. There was one little thing that I kept struggling with, and that was finding alternatives for some of the things I like. I kept thinking about my birthday coming up, and was kind of sad that I couldn’t have cake. Several people I know kept saying “just cheat” or “a little piece can’t hurt too bad”, but you know what? It will hurt. I knew if I started cheating I was going to just keep cheating and then it would all fall apart. So, I started exploring alt...