My 36th anniversary

I can hardly believe it has been 36 yrs since we said “I do.” So much has happened….the good….the bad….the happy…..the sad… many changes, and so much grow. I honestly would have never thought we would have made it this far and made it through so many of the ups and downs. Tonight we went to the Melting Pot like we always do and like always the food was amazing. I left feeling so full and so stuffed, and completely in bliss. This year we changed it up a bit…..we got a different chocolate fondue LOL. I was a little worried at first especially since this year I am living with diabetes. Okay, so last year I had it too, but didn’t find out until after our anniversary. I was a little unsure of how this would all unfold, but I decided I was going to go and enjoy my night. I ate the cheese with bread, and it was so yummy. The meat/protein options were absolutely scrumptious. I ate half of it and gave the other half to...