Real estate license

A couple of weeks ago Brad mentioned to me that he wanted both of us to get our real estate license. I thought he was crazy. This was something I wanted to do years ago, but had to stop classes because at the time I had no one to watch the kids (back then classes were in person). It was disappointing then, but my kids always came first. After he mentioned it he told me he scheduled an appointment with a realty agency to talk to them. He came home and was all signed up for the classes. I decided I was going to go for it too, so off I went to meet with the guy, and I left his office enrolled in the online classes. I came home and started working diligently on the classes, and studying fiercely. School and studying has never come easy to me, but I worked and worked and worked. One day my daughter came over and I told her what I was doing. She said “mom have you heard of Quizlet?” Nope, so off I went to explore that. ...