Real estate license

 A couple of weeks ago Brad mentioned to me that he wanted both of us to get our real estate license.  I thought he was crazy.  This was something I wanted to do years ago, but had to stop classes because at the time I had no one to watch the kids (back then classes were in person).  It was disappointing then, but my kids always came first.  After he mentioned it he told me he scheduled an appointment with a realty agency to talk to them.  He came home and was all signed up for the classes.  I decided I was going to go for it too, so off I went to meet with the guy, and I left his office enrolled in the online classes.  

I came home and started working diligently on the classes, and studying fiercely.  School and studying has never come easy to me, but I worked and worked and worked.  One day my daughter came over and I told her what I was doing.  She said “mom have you heard of Quizlet?”  Nope, so off I went to explore that.  I started putting together notes in the program, and by the time I was done I had over 900 of them.  I studied and studied and studied.  My brain was fried, and I decided enough is enough…..schedule the darn exam.  I scheduled it on Sunday night to be taken Tuesday.  I started freaking out.  I worried about what would happen if I failed the test, so decided I wasn’t going to tell anyone just in case I actually failed.  

Tuesday came and I was all freaked out, and afraid I would fail.  I told Brad I had a doctor’s appointment and left.  I wanted to cry.  I wanted to throw up.  I know to many it would seem over dramatic, but for me this stuff doesn’t come easy, and I am a horrible test taker.  

My appointment was at 12:30, but they said to be half an hour early.  I got there right at noon, and as I walked in the woman was yelling for me (this placed looked and operated like the DMV LOL).  I was shocked I was going back already.  She took me back and did all the intake stuff, and took me to the room.  It was a room with about 20 computers, and she sat me down….told me to do the tutorial and get started.  I didn’t tutorial….read it very carefully, and began.  When I got to question 12 it had a question about a real estate form.  The form was supposed to pop up so I could look at it.  In the classes they specifically told us we didn’t need to memorize what went on what line because they would provide the forms in the program.  No form to be found.  Just then the woman was bringing in someone else, so I asked her.  She told me she had no clue, but would call the company.  I flagged the problem and went on.  She came back in and told me there was nothing she could do because they told her it would have been in the instructions on how I could find it.  My heart sunk. I wanted to cry because it was no where to be found.  There were no buttons to push to bring them up or anything.  She apologized profusely and said she didn’t know what to do.  

I went on and by the time I got to around question 30 there was another one about contracts, but this time the contracts popped up on the screen.  Oh thank god…..I back tracked to question 12 and answered it.  Shortly after the woman came back with a guy.  I told him I was able to access the forms in question 30 so I was okay and he wanted to see question 12.  He was shocked that the contracts didn’t pull up on that question too.  I told him I was fine and went on.  On every question that was about contracts (except one more, so it happened twice) the contracts pulled up.  

During the exam (which was long…had four hours to complete it) the woman brought in three more people who were coming and going.  I was very distracted, and the clicking of their mouses was so annoying to me.  It was hard to concentrate and on top of it for about two hours there was a little person screaming somewhere in the building.  I think there might have been a daycare in this building.  I struggled to focus because I hate hearing kids cry.  I wanted to scream.  I wanted to walk out and find this kid and comfort him/her.  I knew I couldn’t do any of those things so continued.  It was frustrating and hard. The test was in no way easy.  I marked questions I wasn’t 100% sure of to go back and re-read.  By the time I was done I had 37 of them.  Uggghhh if I don’t get these I might fail.  I felt defeated, but hey at this point there was no turning back.  

I finished the exam and left to head to the woman’s office who checked me in.  As I walked in she said “I am so sorry….I am so very sorry.”  Okay…..guess I failed.  She told me to get my things out of the locked, and I realized I left the key by my computer so ran back to get it.  Wanted to cry, but came back and gathered my things and the woman handed me a paper and said “congratulations you passed.” I was confused about her “I’m sorry’ s”.  She was apologizing about the computer errors LOL.  

I couldn’t believe it I passed.  I did it!!!  I left and when I got to my car I took a picture of my paper and immediately texted it to Brad to share the good news (he was working by this point).  

I am done.  I finished the class, and passed the exam.  Now onto connecting with the realty office and starting this new career which I am a little freaked out about.  At 54 yrs old to finally be able to do something I wanted to do years ago that will actually make me money (yes I am currently doing something I wanted to do and have been doing it for 20+ years, but I have never really made a profit).  


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