Does anybody like…..

 I find it absolutely hilarious when I am in online PKU groups and people post “does anybody like……” and they name a low protein product.  Why do I find this hilarious you might ask?  Because everyone has their own personal preferences, and you can have ten people say they like it and ten people say they don’t.  Heck even in the same family you can have one person like something and someone else not.  

For example… my family I am the only one out of a family of 11 that doesn’t like tomatoes.  My entire family, and I think even most (if not all) of the significant others and my grandson likes tomatoes, but I hate them.  I think they are slimy and disgusting and make me gag.  So if I were to say, “does anyone like tomatoes” I would find some do and some don’t but then when I would try them I would find them disgusting.  

Another example, is two of my daughters with PKU love the Daiya cheese, and one of them absolutely finds it disgusting.  Just mentioning Daiya cheese and she makes a face, so again if I were to ask does anyone like it…..some would say yes and some would say no.  Only way to find out is to try it!

So before you (or someone you know) posts “does anyone like…..” understand that you will get some who will love it and some that will hate it, and some that are indifferent.  We all have our own personal preferences on things that are appealing to us and things that are not.  

The only way you know if you like something or not is if YOU try it… one else can tell you if you will like it or not.  


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