Trying something new

 For anyone who knows me they know I have never been one to really drink alcohol……even when I was younger I never really drank.  Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) I became a mother very early in life.  Right out of high school I found out I was pregnant, and took that responsibility very, very seriously.  I vowed to do what was absolutely the best for that baby, and I always did.  For me that meant never going out (I mean this literally…..the first time I ever sat at a bar was with my mother-in-law before a Cher concert).  I have never been the type of person to have wine with my dinner…..nothing.  My life was pretty much focused on my kids (it still is).

Right around the time hubby left for his travel job I decided I wanted to have a margarita (on the rare occasion I had a drink on vacation I found I like margaritas), so I bought all the stuff to make one.  When the adult children saw I had alcohol in the refrigerator they started to really worry because that was so out of character for me.  What I think is hilarious is that every single one of them has alcohol in their house, and it is no big deal.  Mom has alcohol and they start freaking out.  I can tell you in the nine weeks my husband has been gone I have had three drinks……three whole drinks!  All three happened before bed while I was sitting around relaxing, and those drinks each happened on separate days, so I am sure nothing for my kids to worry about.  The funniest thing was when they found out one of them went back and told their dad that mom bought alcohol.  Of course he laughed and told them “she’s an adult and she can do that.”  Hubby knows he has nothing to worry about because my kids always have and always will come first.  I am not going to get silly drunk.

This brings us to the other day, I was browsing online (don’t even remember where or what I was looking at), and I found this wine club.  It peaked my interest, so I started exploring it more.  Apparently with this wine club you sign up and they send you different wines based upon the schedule you choose, so on impulse I signed up.  Today my six bottles of wine will show up at my door.  I cannot even imagine how my kids are going to freak out when they see that.  They might have to stage an intervention for their mom LOL.  

I bought this cute little setup as a decoration for when my wine comes, and to put my wine in.  


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