A busy day for me


I have been reading so much lately about the benefits of bone broth.  Supposedly it is supposed to help with inflammation so with that in mind I decided it was time to try something new.  I brought home the turkey carcass from Breanna’s house (Thanksgiving) and got it cooking.  I had to use two slow cookers because there were so many bones.  They cooked for well over 48 hrs and then came the straining.  First I pulled out all the larger bones and set them aside.  While I did that Brad started pulling bits of meat out of the pot and putting it on the side.  Apparently he made dog treats out of it.  Then I strained it and it went into the refrigerator to sit so it could get cold and the fat could congeal.  Today I took them out and skimmed the fat off the top and put them in pint sized canning jars.  Some went into the refrigerator (those I will use in the next few days) and then others i put into the freezer.  Next time I think I might can them.  

Next I worked on apples and applesauce.  I cut up a bunch of apples and put them on my freeze dryer trays, and put them in the freeze dryer.  I also prepped several more trays with apples and some with bananas, so when the apples come out I can immediately put more in.  I also peeled a bunch of apples and put them in the slow cooker to make applesauce.  I added cinnamon and a little sugar to it since it was a little sour, and later tonight I will put it in my canning jars and seal them up for future use.  

Last time I made applesauce Genavieve ate almost an entire quart of applesauce all by herself. She kept telling me it was very good except she didn’t like that i left it a little chunky.  This time I am cooking it long term to break down all those pieces so I can make a smoother applesauce.  
Next came the vegetable and turkey noodle soup that I told the kids I would make for them.  I used the leftover turkey from thanksgiving and made a quart of soup for each person.

I had to carefully plan them out because I had three low protein vegetable soups with low protein noodles.  One that needed gluten free noodles and no bouillon added to it, and then the rest got to be regular version.  

I hope everyone likes them because I worked all day on all of this stuff for them.


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