After being gone for six weeks…..

 I left my home in June to attend a wedding, and then from there headed off to my daughter’s house to await the birth of my grand baby.  I was gone a total of six weeks, and was super stressed out over what would happen to my garden.  This year (my first year doing this) I decided to plant a large (to me) garden.  My husband built me several boxes so that I could keep things orderly.  Everything was planted before I left, and my husband did the best he could taking care of it while I was gone.  When I came back I couldn’t believe how much everything had grown. 

Honestly it was a little much for me to see because it was overgrown, there were weeds and it didn’t look anything like I had planned it to be.  That being said we are still getting a lot of vegetables from it.  

One of the first things I decided to do was make pickles because we had so many cucumbers.  Yesterday I ran three batches of pickles through the canner.  I had planned on doing more, but my daughter came over so I put it on the side for the day.  

I ended up only doing 16 jars of bread and butter pickles.  Since this is the first time I am doing them I hope they turn out okay.  

I also got the freeze dryer up and running again.  I got a great deal on a bunch of bananas, so I sliced those up and putting them in the machine.  I think I screwed up slightly because normally I lay the bananas flat, but this time I cut them and laid them upright (close together) because I wanted to get as many as possible on the trays.  When they came up the slices were all stuck together…..doesn’t affect the taste at all, but not as user friendly to pack into the jars.  


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