Big hat day

My day so far…..unfortunately I couldn’t sleep last night and woke up at 2:30 am.  I tried and tried and tried to fall back to sleep, but simply couldn’t.  I finally gave up and went online until I was tired.  It is so hard to go online when my contacts are out because I simply can’t see.  I know a lot of people say that when they don’t have their contacts or glasses on, but I truly 100% mean it.  It isn’t as simple for me as it is for some because without the lenses even bringing things closer to my face does not make them clearer.  

I finally fell asleep around 3:30 am and three hours later I heard Brennan up.  Thankfully he took the dogs and let them out so I could sleep in.  I ended up sleeping in until 8:45 am.  I never sleep that long!!!!  Wowzers.  Just as I was getting up Brad called me which was nice.  I was able to sit and talk with him and he made my day feel a little brighter.  

Then my dress for this weekend showed up. Thank goodness because I was worrying.  The date for delivery kept being pushes back.  I ordered two dresses….not sure which size I was.  I ordered an XXL and an XL.  The XXL came right away, and it felt a little big.  I decided I was going to wait until the other dress came to determine which I would keep and which I would exchange for the correct size.  Thankfully the dress that came today is really pretty and fits nicely (that means the other dress needs to be exchanged for a smaller size).  It is weird because who would have thought I would be an XL and not an XXL.  I guess maybe I am not as big as I think I am.  That is a very good thing.  

I then got ready for my day and decided to put my swimsuit right on versus getting dressed and changing.  I put a cover up on over my swimming suit, and sat outside waiting for the time to tick by.  Soon we will be going to my daughter’s house to go swimming.  

As I was sitting here I realized just how bright the sun is…..way brighter than I thought it was.  Holy cow is it bright…….I think today is going to be a big hat day.  I don’t think I am going to simply be able to wear the sunglasses today, and might have to double up on sunglasses and a hat.  

I am so glad I am getting out of the house today because I am starting to feel cooped up and like I don’t really ever do anything.  I am so glad that kids aren’t fighting me on going as well.  

Swimming was fun with the exception of a kid who kept squirting everyone.  I kept moving away from him, but he kept squirting us.  Even when we were out of the pool the kid was squirting us.  I have to admit I was amazed that the parents never once said anything to their kid, and never once tried to stop him.  

Oh and on an even more positive note…..hubby comes home tonight.  I am so glad because I really have been missing him.  He is off tomorrow night so he doesn’t work again until Saturday.  He decided Saturday and Sunday he is going to drive in to work and drive home so he can spend a little more time with me and the kids.  Then he is off Monday again.  Woohoo…..spending time with him is going to feel so wonderful.  I am missing him so much!


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