Everyplate, dinnerly, tovala…..

 Awhile back I decided I needed some help with meal prep, so I started to look around for food delivery.  I knew I didn’t want already cooked foods because if everything is already cooked there is no way of modifying it to fit those in my life who have different diets.  I came upon everyplate, so I gave them a try.  The price wasn’t too bad, and the recipes were okay.  The problem was that recipes seem to repeat a lot or they were similar.  I found that I was constantly making chicken or pasta, so I started on my question to find another program.  That was when I found dinnerly.  Dinnerly is slightly cheaper than everyplate.  For about the same price you get six meals instead of five.  After a short while I started to notice the same thing.  The meals started to repeat or felt as though it was the same thing all the time with minor changes to the recipes.  

I then started to flip flop and one week would do one and then do the other.  This became time consuming and a few time I forgot to skip a box and ended up with two boxes that week.  Two boxes is a bit expensive especially since we don’t need that many full meals.  

I also decided to try Tovala….the plan was to buy tovala for work since at the time I was working 12+ hrs a day, five days a week.  The meals were very simple.  You just opened them up, put them in the tins that came with the food, popped them in their special oven, hit scan, scanned the barcode and the machine would perfect cook the food every time. The problem with this was once again it was always the same things.  So much chicken….chicken with broccoli, chicken with salad, chicken with potatoes…..again got very bored of the menu.  The problem was you can’t beat the convenience of it all.  Truly nothing to think about when all you have to do is grab a contain and cook it.  

So now I am home, and have decided to take a break from all three companies.  I haven’t unsubscribed just in case I change my mind, so for now I am skipping box after box after box.  I feel I really need to just take some time and get away from chicken, chicken, and more flipping chicken.  Oh Weald, sometimes they throw in a pork chop or two.  


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