Giving it a go with Lilac bush seeds

 Today more seeds came.  That meant I had 100 lilac seeds to plant and see if I can get them growing.  Super excited…..hoping I don’t regret this especially since dirt, and bugs, and growing things has never been more my forte.  

I now have three trays like this with seeds in them. I thought my grow lights and shelf were coming today, but apparently not.  Looks like those will arrive tomorrow which I suppose is a good thing because then hubby can help me bring it into the house.  I am assuming it is going to be a little heavier than I should be carrying.  We will see!

When I first got out the soil, containers, and seeds Brennan came running in and said he wanted to help.  Next thing I know he is gone, and playing video games.  I guess he really didn’t want ot help.  That’s okay since this is my project and my adventure.  

If things go as I have planned I will have a bunch of lilac bushes that I will be able to plant all over my yard.  Might even plant some in West Allis and Racine.  

For now my plants are outside……hopefully I will see some sprouts soon……not even sure how long that should take.  I think I might need to investigate a little more on gardening so I know what to expect LOL


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