I read something on facebook today that really made me think

 Someone who is a friend on facebook with me (never met in real life) posted something about being glad she had a prenuptial agreement with her spouse because they had everything worked out and on paper before they got married.  Another person said they wished they had done that because it spelled everything out when the marriage ended…..it was that response that really got me thinking.  I certainly didn’t go into my marriage thinking about and planning for our divorce and how we would divide things up.  That actually made me very sad, and it made me think about how many people divorce in our society.  Marriage feels like a throw away thing…..it works today, but tomorrow it is hard so I am moving on.  I just don’t get that mentality.  Divorce is hard on kids…..I know sometimes divorce is necessary and is better in the long run, but there were so many people responding to the person who said it made the divorce so much easier and I was shocked that so many people go into marriage planning for the divorce.  I seriously couldn’t imagine that being my relationship, and in many ways I am glad that hubby and I married young when we had nothing, and we were dumb and had no clue what we were doing.  We were able to grow together and just figure it out.  Yes there were a lot of bumps along the road, and there were plenty of days I thought “this is it…..we are done” but we kept moving forward one foot in front of the other…..we put our kids first and then found our way back to one another.  I wonder if we would have planned for the end if that would have made it easier for us to actually chuck it all in and move on.  

No matter what it makes me sad that people are not entering into marriage assuming this is a for life type of thing.  I can understand if in a relationship one person has a lot of stuff, and they want to protect that, but again then they shouldn’t be getting married in my opinion.  Maybe it is just me, and I am the strange one, but if you love someone you want was is best for them, and that love doesn’t just magically disappear one day, and if it does then there never was love there to begin with. 

A photo of me and my silly husband taken several years ago.


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