Interesting read….

 Today as I was scrolling through facebook I came upon a post from a woman who share the story of the couple who fought for their right to marry (they were two different races).  It got me thinking about the legality of marriage for my in-laws as well as hubby and I.  I did a quick google search and came up with the most interesting article ever…..

After reading the article it really got me thinking….there was a time period where my husband’s parents wouldn’t have been able to legally marry.  That also meant I would not have been able to legally marry him either.  For me that is so hard to believe.  

I can still remember once I was meeting with a doula, and she saw a photo of my family.  When she saw my husband she asked me “what is he?”  I was very confused, and asked her what she meant.  She repeated herself, and I said “I don’t understand what you are asking me.”  She then said “well he isn’t white….he is a man of color.”  That comment struck me as being very odd.  I guess I never once in all the 30+ years of marriage thought of my husband as a “man of color.”  

I can still remember coming home and telling him the story, and he looked at me and said “yes”, and then I had to tell him that never….not once in all the years we have been together did I ever think about it.  I never once thought about his skin color (other than to admire the fact that he had darker skin than me, brown eyes, and brown hair…..but I didn’t think about it any way other than any other person who has those features….I didn’t equate them to him not being “white.”). 

I really find this whole thing fascinating because I have seen online when people say “my child doesn’t see color” and then everyone screams about how everyone sees color… my husband, I honestly didn’t. I know most people won’t believe me, but I never once thought about it. 

Yes, I see his mother.  I know she is filipino and comes from the Philippines, but I never gave it much thought until the day that doula said something to me.  I also never gave it much thought about what it must have been like for filipino people to come to this country. 

This article was truly interesting to me.  It made me think, and it made me so very grateful that I was able to legally marry the man I love!!!  I am so grateful that we were able to have our nine amazing children together, and now have an amazing little grandson as well.  


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