My eyes……

 My eyes are the biggest pain in the ass EVER.  For those who don’t know, I was diagnosed with an eye disorder called keratoconus in my mid 40’s.  This is normally something most people get diagnosed with rather young, but somehow it didn’t hit me until later in life.  So I was diagnosed in my mid 40’s and no one told me about the surgery that I could have to prevent the progression.  They just gave me these ginormous, hard contacts and sent me on my way.  Four years later when I went to a different doctor he starts freaking out because my left eye is so bad he recommends a cornea transplant and I need to hurry and get the surgery to stop the progression on the right eye.  I am frantic and start getting second, third, fourth, fifth opinions.  All options are not paid for by insurance, but I really wanted to try and save my cornea.  There was a procedure in Germany that would have corrected it, but my left eye was too far gone and not a candidate.  

Finally I found a doctor in California that would attempt to save the left cornea and do the procedure on the right.  I had to wait three months and fly in for the surgery.  Insurance wouldn’t cover it, so we had to come up with a plan to pay cash.  Got there and the eyes progressed even further, but the doctor agreed to try with no guarantees on the left eye.  Surgery was successful and the progression stopped. I still have to wear the huge, scleral lenses, but I can see.  

Once I healed I was afraid to use makeup, for fear of it hurting my eyes or getting on my lenses (did I mention the lenses I wear are thousands of dollars????  I finally tried make up again and most makeup would flake off onto the contacts and make them cloudy.  I finally found makeup from Thrive Causemetics that I liked, but it is expensive!  I used that for quite sometime.  The problem is my lashes are getting more and more sparse the older I am getting so to get a full lash look I have to apply several coats which leaves my eyelashes looking clumpy.  

I tried twice to get lash extensions glued on, and those really destroyed my natural lenses.  The first time I had to get them removed and wait months for my lashes to regrow a bit.  I went to a different place because I was told the first place most likely did them wrong.  Same thing happened.  I was very disappointed.  

Then I tried magnetic lashes, but those wouldn’t stay on because my lashes were too sparse.  I didn’t have enough lash to connect it to.  Someone told me try with mascara on (just a little)….didn’t work.  

Finally, today I decided to try the magnetic eye liner to see how that works.  For the first application I don’t think I did too bad of a job.  I will try again tomorrow to perfect it.  Hopefully the magnetic stuff won’t flake off into my eye and on my contact, and hopefully the magnetic part is strong enough to keep them on all day.  We will see, and I will try to give an update in a few days or weeks.


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