The ups and downs of having a hubby who has a traveling job are very, very real. Unfortunately, I have never been one of those women who does everything for herself. I went from living in my parents home to being married and a mom at 18 yrs old and living with my husband. He was always there to pick up the slack and do the things I didn’t want to do….like cleaning the litter box (we have had cats just about our entire married life, so over 34 yrs), and I have never had to clean a litter box. With him gone I do now….thankfully my son offers to do it for me most days, and he is great about telling me it doesn’t bother him. I have never had to cut the grass. I am 53 years old, and have never cut the grass in my entire life until today!!!! I realized the grass was getting long, and knew it would be extremely long before he comes home again, so I gave it a go. Our yard is rather large, and the darn lawnmower petered out. Turns out it needs a new battery, so one more thing I have never done before on my own. Heading to Menards as soon as I finish this post to buy a new one. I know my father told me I should make my son or daughter cut the grass, but I am not going to force them to do it….it isn’t their fault their father took a traveling job, and they both have been more than helpful whenever I need it. Heck, the other day I decided to revamp my entire basement….moved all the stuff out of one room….deep cleaned and put it in another room…..two rooms and a hall deep cleaned and the kids were champs helping me do it all without a single complaint.
I am trying to be strong. I am trying to do my part, but I don’t think I like being a “single” mom most days. I give all the single mothers out there lots of credit….never having a day off is rough, and I don’t even have little kids anymore.
I am also trying very hard to be grateful that I have such an amazing husband that he switched jobs for us. Long story short….two of my daughters are on a medication that costs $160,000 for one daughter and probably $190,000 for the other daughter a year…..his insurance changed and our copay was going to be $2000 a month per daughter or take the girls off the meds and drastically reduce the quality of their lives……who has $48,000 laying around? So…..he switched jobs after 31 yrs so we would have premium insurance and he would make more money and be appreciated at his job. I know that wasn’t easy for him.
So for now I am sitting outside relaxing and venting on FB…..at least for a couple of minutes and then off to Menards.
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