What an insane day!

 This morning my day started out with me being in a lot of pain due to a fall I took on Friday.  Thankfully Brad was home so he was able to help me a good deal. While I was getting ready this morning his brother called and asked if he wanted to go to breakfast.  He said he would call back with a time when he was ready.  He never called back so we went to drop Gena off at Erica’s house, and then we were going to go to the store to buy food I needed to pick up for the party at Barb’s house, and the party at Danielle’s house.  When we pulled into the Pick N Save parking lot we decided to go to Honey Butter Cafe for breakfast instead of waiting.  We had a nice breakfast and just when we were finishing Ben called and said he was ready.  We drove over there and sat and talked with Brad’s family before he had to go to work.  At a little after 11 am we rushed home so he could change and get to work.  I put together the cut little skewers with strawberries, pound cake, and grapes, and then laid down to take a nap.

I wasn’t laying down long when Brad texted and asked me why Brennan’s phone was moving all over in West Allis when he was supposed to be with Erica.  I was so confused, but I opened my tracking apps and sure enough.  He had been all over West Allis yesterday and today (Friday we were in West Allis helping Breanna with the parade).  So I was confused.  I called Erica and Brennan said he left his phone at home.  We went to investigate and we couldn’t find it.  

Let me back track a little bit………Yesterday during the day his tracking app for tracking his internet and blocking certain websites was shut off.  I get an alert when it goes off and last night when I saw him I reminded him he needed to turn that back on because if it is off I take away his phone.  He said okay, but he didn’t.  I sent him several alerts reminding him to turn it on, so that brings us to calling Erica and we can’t find his phone.  I am thinking maybe he left it at the West Allis building when we were there on Friday, but it didn’t make sense that it was moving all over West Allis.  

I called Aaron and asked him to look around the building to see if the phone was there, but he couldn’t find it.  I then told him that it is showing that it is on 80th street, and I was heading over there.  At the same time Erica said she would head over, and I told her no to just go to the family reunion, and I would go.  When I got there Aaron was there.  I don’t think he wanted me doing this alone for safety reasons.  As we were trying to figure out which house the phone might have been in we saw a guy come home and he was looking at us weird.  He ran into his house, and I realized that the phone was in his house.  As I walked back and forth you could see that in front of his house I was basically on top of it.  I told Aaron to stay by the car, and I went to the door and knocked.  No one answered even though we saw the guy go in.  So I was not happy.  I called the police and explained the situation and asked if they could come nad help.  

Two officers came and I explained what happened, and they looked at the app and walked back and forth to see if they could pinpoint it.  The app was very good so it was very easy to see where it was. At this point Erica and Spencer show up with Gen and Bren and I am pissed.  I didn’t want my children there.  What would happen if it turned ugly or the guy had a gun.  I hate thinking like that, but you never know nowadays.  

Anyhow, the police knocked on the door and nothing.  No answer.  They called the police station and called in the license plates and tried calling the guy.  All the while I was also calling the phone over and over and over again.  Finally the officer banged on the door really hard and yelled “West Allis police open up.”  They guy runs to the door and they tell him they are looking for a phone and he immediately went and got it for me.  

Thank god he was able to find it.  So at this point I am now really late for the family reunion, so I rush over there and am two hours late.  The night was lovely, and everyone was having a blast.  It was great to see everyone, but before you knew it th night was upon us and it was time to go home.  

When I got home I was greeted with the most disgusting diarrhea in the hallway….I thought it was vomit, but it was diarrhea.  We get the dogs outside (me and Gena) and I discover three ginormous piles of shit in the side bathroom.  Oh dear God…..this was my nightmare of Brad taking this traveling job.  It was stuff like this I dreaded the most even more than missing him.  

I am trying to clean it up, and ask Gena to grab me more paper towels from the side bedroom closet since they are on the top shelf and hard for me to reach.  She does, and I am gagging so bad I have to run outside, and I am just standing there gagging and peeing myself because the gags were so forceful.  I come in and go to my bathroom to clean myself up before heading back to clean the rest of the poop.  I found some essential oils and dumped that in my hand and put it over my nose.  Held my hand over my nose while I tried to clean it up while balancing and trying not to fall in the poop (remember I fell Friday and busted up my knee really bad…..it is super swollen so I can’t bend on it and kneel).  Talk about a horrendous ordeal.  


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