Tables, tables, tables, and more tables

  This whole meal prep thing is really starting to get expensive.  I started by ordering a freeze dry machine and was told it would take 8-10 weeks for it to come, so I decided I should start gathering supplies so when it comes I will be all ready to go.  My first purchase was a table to put the freeze dryer on.  I then when on to order all the other stuff that I was going to need.  Being prepared to go when it came was so important to me.

I bought the following items:

  • Sealer
  • Mylar bags
  • Canning jars
  • Canning jar sealer
  • Extra trays with covers
  • Labels

Then I decided while I was waiting I would buy a better dehydrator.  I put the dehydrator on the table that I already purchased, and then I found a freeze dryer that I could pick up immediately so off we went to go get it.  When we got home with it I realized I can’t have both the dehydrator and freeze dryer on the same table, so I ordered a second one.  The second table came today and I quickly realized I need a table specifically for the sealers (did I mention the freeze dryer came with a sealer…..ugghhh, now I have two). I ended up setting up the sealers on the table that came today, and also put the mason jars on the bottom shelf.  I realized I ran out of room for the dehydrator.  I tried to figure out a cheaper option than buying yet another table, and was going to put it on a wooden table I have, but was a bit worried since the machine gets hot.  So guess what that means?  

Yep… another table.  I decided to get one on wheels so I can move the dehydrator to a different outlet since I am not supposed to have more than the freeze dryer in the electric outlet I already have it in.  I have to wait until Thursday for this table to come, but once it gets here I should be all set with everything I need.  At least I sure hope so!!!


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