I finally did it!

  Back in August of 2021 I started to have very regular and intense pain in my hip.  Before this I had pain off and on, but in August it was almost nonstop and at times so intense I would cry when trying to get up and/or move.  I blamed it on the fact that I had just opened the daycare and was working and moving way more than I had in a long time, and the fact that I am getting older.  The pain got worse and worse.  I kept pretending I was going to be okay, but we all knew it was bad.  When I closed the daycare in March I thought for sure things would be better.  I gave myself lots of time to heal, but nothing was happening.  I ended up finally scheduling an appointment with my doctor, who then sent me to see an orthopedic doctor.  Saw her and she wanted me to get a cortisone shot.  I had heard such awful things about them and really struggled with the decision. After talking with the doctor we decided to try physical therapy first.  I was going several times a week…..my therapist was so impressed with my progress and how hard I was working.  Things got better, but never 100%.  The therapist also suggested the cortisone shot and in the end I was released from care.  I continued doing my exercises and working hard, but reality was there was still pain.  It was still constant.  Definitely not as bad as it was, but still there.  Still a constant reminder that I didn’t feel okay.  Finally I gave in and contacted the doctor and told her I was ready to get the shot, but also expressed how afraid I was especially since I had such a horrendous experience several years ago when I had a biopsy of my hip.  I can still vividly feel the two men holding me down.  Me begging them to stop and just give me a minute because the pain was so intense and them just continuing and telling me they were almost done.  One even called me honey (like that was supposed to make me feel better).  Hearing “honey we are almost done” and telling me to calm down…..yeah not something any woman should have to go through.  My doctor was kind and understanding and prescribed me a medication to take before the procedure.  

So yesterday I wake up nice and early……completely freaked out.  I took the first pill and was told if I was still nervous I could take a second pill at the time of the procedure.  I took that second pill as I was walking into the office.  She explained everything to me, and allowed Brad to stand there and hold my hand.  At one point I can remember looking up at him and he was closing his eyes…..I think he was a bit freaked out.  She explained everything she was doing, and the procedure was almost painless with the exception of one point where I had a quick and sharp pain.  Thankfully it subsided just as fast as it started. 

I came home and laid down to rest.  The medication made me so sleepy, and I slept off and on for probably about six hours.  I felt amazing when I got up.  I couldn’t believe it.  The pain was gone.  I could move.  Then my daughter’s dog jumped on my leg and wrenched my hip and the pain was intense.  I worried that it would start up again, but thankfully it only hurt for a short while.  

I went to bed expecting the same pain I had for months and months and months, but to my surprise I woke up five hours later realizing I never work during the night.  Normally I would wake over and over and over again in pain.  At times the pain was so bad that I would actually go lay on the couch or in the side bedroom so I would have enough space to freely move.  Last night I slept!!!  I woke up feeling refreshed.  

I felt great when I woke, and went to the grocery store. Only once while gone did I turn funny and felt a sharp pain, but that went away as quickly as it happened.  I came home and prepped food for the freeze dryer.  I packaged up food and ran up and down the basement stairs six or more times.  I did all the dishes, swept the entire first floor, cleaned the toilets, cleared off the table and counters, put away all the pillows and blankets and misc stuff in the living room.  I cleaned my bedroom, organized my bathroom, and wrapped all of the Christmas presents.  Very soon I plan on mopping the entire first floor too.  

I really hope and pray this continues and I feel better and better.  In about five days I can start to exercise again, so hoping that makes things improve even more.  

So glad this goofy guy was able to go in with me and be my cheerleader and support.  


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