Reading glasses


Ever since I got my newest scleral lenses I have had to wear reading glasses with hem as well.  The eye doctor told me he couldn’t correct for it……it isn’t due to my keratoconus, but instead is just due to getting older.  The hardest part is the fact that I don’t need reading glasses at all times, which means I often forget them at home.  This causes all sorts of problems when I am out and need to be able to read something.  For example, when I go to a restaurant I often cannot read the menu which is frustrating.  Add dim lighting like some places have and I am completely sunk.  

Yesterday I went online to see what I could find.  I wanted to find portable type glasses that are small enough to fit in my purse.  I found one better.  They are very thin and tiny reading glasses that fit in the space of a credit card.  You can also get a case that fits on your keychain.  I wasn’t sure which power or strength I needed but I saw one company was offering their kit online for only $20.  The kit comes with four different strength reading glasses and one flat case.  The instructions say to find your power and share the other pairs with other people.  I found two that work for me and gave the other two to Brad.  Surprisingly, he was able to slip the glasses in his wallet which means he will always have a pair available too.  

Today I slipped a pair into my wallet and when I went out to eat for lunch with Faith I was able to pull them out and put them on.  Of course, she said they look ugly and weird, but I don’t care.  I am not out to win a beauty contest.  I am doing this so I can see effectively


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