Changes I have made


I have undergone so many changes over the last 21 months, and it is crazy how much better I feel.  

Twenty one months ago I was diagnosed with diabetes.  I was upset and struggling, and just so mad at myself for not making the changes necessary to stay healthy.  That being said I just started to do it.  I stopped eating all the crap I used to eat, and watched everything I put into my mouth.  Slowly but surely I lost weight.  I lost 85 lbs, but then was left with awful saggy and baggy skin.  It was so upsetting and bothersome to me.  Brad being the supportive person he is encouraged me to do whatever it was that would make me happy, so I scheduled an appointment to see a surgeon and at first I planned on only getting a tummy tuck, but while there decided I wanted to also have a breast reduction.  I hated my breasts they were so saggy and so big.  Fitting me with a nice bra was hard.  All the bras I always bought would have straps that were super thick in back and then the shoulder straps always fell off.  I feel like they think big breasted women must have broad shoulders and I do not.  

I went in on September 4th for surgery.  Unfortunately, what I didn’t realize was how hard the recovery from that would be.  I couldn’t believe the huge amount of pain I was in when the anesthesia wore off.  I couldn’t believe they sent me home like that, but off I went.  Thank God Brad was here to help me because I couldn’t get out of bed alone.  I couldn’t used the bathroom alone.  I couldn’t even shower and wash my hair.  He was right there by my side helping me do all of those things.  I later realized I was only taking half the dose of pain medication I should have been taking, but I guess the bonus was I could take the medication for a longer period of time.  

When I finally got on the scale I had lost another 5 lbs, and had gone from 210 lbs to 120 lbs.  I was able to buy a bunch of new clothes that were flattering in nature, and I was finally able to go into a regular store and buy a normal bra……I started to feel better about myself.  

It has now been four months and I still have a little bit of swelling in my belly.  The doctor said it takes 6 months for all the swelling to go away, and a full year before fully recovered.


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