Please tell me she is kidding

 I know I shouldn’t be blogging about this, but I just have to.  I cannot believe what I just read.  I was on a PKU FB page and a mom was bragging about how her 22 yr old son made his own dinner, and she has a picture of pierogies.  I thought to myself….”my 13 yr old can and does cook for herself”.  I just don’t understand why it is something to brag about when he is 22 yrs old.  Shouldn’t someone who is 22 yrs old be able to cook their own food (PKU or not)???

Then to add to it someone points out that they are store boughten.  So you mean…..this grown man should be praised for heating up something he bought at the store.  I am so confused by that!!!  That just makes zero sense to me!!!!!

I think it is so important for everyone (PKU or not) to be able to cook their own foods and know how to feed themselves.  Heck even my 12 yr old cooks his own food sometimes when he wants something outside of meals, or if I am gone, etc.  

I also think it is important for individuals with PKU to learn how to cook regular foods and not just PKU foods because someday they might have a spouse or kids and the likelihood they will have PKU is pretty slim.  That being said several years ago Genavieve learned how to make scrambled eggs for me.  Now that is something to be proud about because she was probably 10 yrs old, and she learned how to make the most perfect scrambled eggs ever and she couldn’t even eat or taste them.  

Maybe it is just me, but a grown man should know how to cook and feed himself, and his mommy shouldn’t be posting online bragging about him reheating foods, and all parents should be teaching their children how to cook and feed themselves, and if your child has PKU he/she needs to learn how to cook regular foods too.


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