First job placement is almost over

It is hard to believe, but Brad only has two more days of his 13 week work contract! At times it has felt like the time is flying by, and at times it feels like it is an eternity.  

What have I learned over these last 13 weeks?  That I can do it……I have overcome so many “obstacles” that would have sunk me in the past.  

  • I learned I am strong.  
  • I learned I can do anything if I put my mind to it.
  • I learned I can do it on my own even though I don’t like it and don’t want to.
  • I learned to clean a litter box. I know to some that is no big deal, but we have had cats our entire married life, and litter boxes have always made me gag.  I can now clean it without throwing up and often without gagging.  
  • I learned how to clean up dog diarrhea……this one wasn’t as easy as cleaning the litter box especially since the dog making the five mounds of diarrhea poop is over 100 lbs!!!
  • I learned how to cut the grass.  I am 53 yrs old, and never in my entire life have I ever cut the grass.  Now I do it several times a week.  I never would have thought that I would be the one cutting the grass.  
  • I learned that I can keep this entire house clean by myself without anyone helping me (hubby has always been great about helping me around the house).  I created a schedule, and find that following it perfectly has made keeping the house clean and doing the chores less difficult and easier to do on my own (I had have an app called Sweepy that I put all the chores into and it gives me daily chores to accomplish to keep a clean house).
  • I learned I can actually do all the laundry by myself…..washing, drying, folding and putting it all away.  Hubby usually washed and dried the laundry, and I folded and put it away.
  • I learned that I can be a single parent.  I can get the kids to and from events on my own, and I can make sure homework is done, their rooms are clean, and all the other things that need to be done in a day.
  • I learned I can actually cook multiple times a day, and keep the kitchen clean.  I absolutely hate cooking and cleaning the kitchen, but when there is no one else available to do those jobs……well, I had to step up to the plate and to them.
  • I learned that in addition to cooking I can actually make “tv” dinners for Brad to ensure he is eating healthy or semi healthy foods while he is away.
  • I learned I can actually doing some minor remodeling on my own.  I painted all the kitchen cabinets, and redid the kitchen and two bathroom countertops without Brad lifting a single finger.  
  • I learned that I can keep going even when the pain is really bad, and even though I was hurt I could still meet everyone’s needs with cooking, cleaning, and doing all the stuff they need.
I know to some people these are very small accomplishments, or to single moms who do this every day they might think it is no big deal, but for me this is all huge.  I have been with my husband for 34 yrs, and he has been with me every single day with very few days apart.  I have relied on him I to help pick up the slack, to pick me up when I am down or sick, to be my other half.

When I look back on these thirteen weeks I see how much stronger I have become, and how much I have grown.  I am not looking forward to his next placement which will be in Ohio, but I know I can do it because I have been doing it.


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