How am I doing with him so far away?


On Monday Brad started his new job placement in Ohio…..if you remember correctly I was not a fan of this placement as it was pretty far away which meant we wouldn’t see him as much.  He left Monday morning really early in the morning to drive to work, and once there he found out he only had to go pick up his ID badge and could then do that days worth of training remotely.  

For the most part, I am getting used to him being gone a lot at this point and so I am doing much better than I did the first placement.  It was a little hard after being home with him (well on vacation with him) for 2 1/2 weeks, and then him being gone.  I think I got a little used to him being here whenever I wanted to see him or talk to him, but we both knew the time would come when he had to go back.  

I have talked to him several times each day, and unfortunately he is missing me a lot.  Don’t get me wrong I am glad he is missing me, and I miss him too but this is just how it has to be for now.  I try very hard to keep myself super busy because the busier I am the less time I have to sit around and think and/or feel sorry for myself.  


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