What a day!!!!

  Today has been an incredibly tough day!!!!  The handle of our upstairs shower broke off, and as luck would have it Brad is out of town and can’t get back and fix it for at least another 8 days. 

I was on the phone with Brad when Brennan came running downstairs to tell me the shower handle broke off, and the shower was still running.  I tried to figure it all out, and Brad kept telling me to show him what it looked like.  At this point I am crying and super upset, and don’t know what to do.  Brad tells me to just turn the water off, and turn it on when I need to flush the toilet or take a shower.  I keep thinking there is no way I can do that I get off the phone and start YouTubing it to see what I can do to fix it.  The problem is I cannot find the tools I need.  

When I am ready to fix it I run to Menards to get the tools I need. I get home and realize I forgot something so back to the store I go.  I get home and start working on it. I can’t get the part out that I need out.  I keep trying and trying and trying.  I am getting frustrated, but know I have to fix this.  I cannot go without water in this house for 8 days!!!!

Brad calls and starts complaining about me buying tools, and I told him I ordered an entire set of tools for myself because I am sick and tired of struggling to find what I need.  He has his tools everywhere, and I need organization. I end up getting frustrated and hang up on him, and head back to the stupid part.  Still cannot get it to break free.  

Aaron comes and he is easily able to pull the cartridge out but the shell casing is still stuck in there.  Off to Menards we go to buy what we need.  Come home and it is wrong, so back to Menards we go again.  Even though they said online they had the tool we needed in stock there are none there and the woman said they haven’t ordered them since 2008, so we can assume they don’t have them.  So we try something else.  Nothing is getting this damn thing to budge.  

Finally Aaron starts breaking the casing.  He is using a knife, screwdriver, pliers, and drill.  Suddenly he tells me that he drill straight through the pipe.  Oh no…..now what?  

Well it looks like I am now cutting the pipes, so I call my mom and she brings over the tool I need and she cuts the pipe for me.  We head to Menards (this is my fifth trip today), and they don’t have the part we need with the shut off valve, so I decide just to cap it off.  Come home and we put the pieces on….turn on the water and it shoots everywhere.  Get the water off, the mess cleanup and we try to push the piece on harder.  Nope, still not right.  Try again, and this time one side holds, but we still have to fix the second one.  Push, and push and push, and we finally got it to pop on, and no water is leaking anywhere.  It only took 6 hrs of me working on this today!


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