My first attempt at dehydrating…..

I received my dehydrator and Friday and decided I would get going on dehydrating some stuff. I decided to start with apples because I figured apples are easy, and it is what Genavieve requested. I decided to not go all the way to crisp because I knew she wouldn’t like that. I think they turned out amazing, and the best part was I also tossed in a peach and nectarine that I wasn’t sure were going to be good for very much longer. Here are some of them in a bowl, but most of them got gobbled up right away. I also decided to try making jerky. I had a pork tenderloin, and found a recipe in the dehydrator book. I followed the directions, and quite frankly it was gross when it was all done. They were done, and they were the correct consistency, but I just didn’t like the flavor at all. I decided that the only thing I am going to do from this point forward is beef because the pork was just so gross. I did not toss them however, I am giving ...