
State fair

 This weekend we also went to the state fair.  While I had a blast it was also incredibly difficult for me to walk around there especially after doing the Mud Girl Run the day before.   We walked around and stopped for lunch at Sam’s.  Then we rode on the Ferris wheel…..not something Brad really wanted to do, but something I really wanted to do.l. What really sucked was we were on it with a family of four who wouldn’t shut up.  I honestly had hoped that it would have been just me and him in the one cart, but nope a family with teenagers.  So much for fun for us.   We ended the day with cream puffs.  Brad ended up buying 12 of them.  God only knows why he got so many LOL.   Of course, by the time I came home I was in so much intense paid and struggled to find relief. By the end of the night I could barely walk.  My hips hurt, my legs, my upper chest, my waist…..everything!

This past weekend

  This past weekend I decided to do the Mud Girl Run.  I wasn’t thinking whenI signed up that this event is more than just doing some fun obstacles, but instead it involves walking a 5K.  I am proud to say that even though it was hard I did it.  I walked the entire thing, and did almost all of the obstacles.  I skipped one called Twin Peaks…..that mud was deep and the climb out looked exceptionally difficult.  I also didn’t do one where you had to pick up a big potato sack and carry it.  There was no way I was going to chance hurting my back lifting that thing up.   Of course, during the event the girls thought it would be funny to pretend I couldn’t do it, so they picked me up and started carrying me.  They thought they were being hilarious. In the end we all crossed the finish line. I will admit I felt so accomplished because I didn’t think I would make it, but alas I did!!!!  Of course, I paid dearly for doing this event.  The pain in my hip was immense and almost unbearable.  I kno

And just like that she is married

 This past weekend we celebrated the wedding of Erica and Spencer.  It was such a lovely event! Erica was an absolutely beautiful bride!!! We got some beautiful pictures of Brad and I too: I felt so blessed because all of my children and grandchildren were there and I think everyone had a great time.  

Look what we found

 On Mother’s Day while Brad and I were out showing a house Faith had told us some ducks were mating in our pond.  I didn’t think much about it, but then yesterday Brad was sitting by the pond and he said “look what I found in the rocks.”  Sure enough there was an egg.  Sadly there was no nest and the egg was cold as cold could be so the baby obviously would not have survived, but it was quite interesting to find.  


  Easter this year went pretty good.  We started with a charcuterie board with a mish mash of stuff to meet everyone’s dietary needs.  After that we had a full meal, but this year I didn’t make as many “different” dishes as I normally do.  I made the staples that I know everyone likes and let go of all of the other stuff.  I was just too tired this year to make a million different dishes.   Hope everyone had an amazing holiday!!!

My 36th anniversary

  I can hardly believe it has been 36 yrs since we said “I do.”  So much has happened….the good….the bad….the happy…..the sad… many changes, and so much grow.  I honestly would have never thought we would have made it this far and made it through so many of the ups and downs.   Tonight we went to the Melting Pot like we always do and like always the food was amazing.  I left feeling so full and so stuffed, and completely in bliss.  This year we changed it up a bit…..we got a different chocolate fondue LOL.  I was a little worried at first especially since this year I am living with diabetes.  Okay, so last year I had it too, but didn’t find out until after our anniversary.  I was a little unsure of how this would all unfold, but I decided I was going to go and enjoy my night.  I ate the cheese with bread, and it was so yummy.  The meat/protein options were absolutely scrumptious.  I ate half of it and gave the other half to Brad to finish.  The chocolate fondue worried me a bit bec

Real estate license

 A couple of weeks ago Brad mentioned to me that he wanted both of us to get our real estate license.  I thought he was crazy.  This was something I wanted to do years ago, but had to stop classes because at the time I had no one to watch the kids (back then classes were in person).  It was disappointing then, but my kids always came first.  After he mentioned it he told me he scheduled an appointment with a realty agency to talk to them.  He came home and was all signed up for the classes.  I decided I was going to go for it too, so off I went to meet with the guy, and I left his office enrolled in the online classes.   I came home and started working diligently on the classes, and studying fiercely.  School and studying has never come easy to me, but I worked and worked and worked.  One day my daughter came over and I told her what I was doing.  She said “mom have you heard of Quizlet?”  Nope, so off I went to explore that.  I started putting together notes in the program, and by the

After being gone for six weeks…..

 I left my home in June to attend a wedding, and then from there headed off to my daughter’s house to await the birth of my grand baby.  I was gone a total of six weeks, and was super stressed out over what would happen to my garden.  This year (my first year doing this) I decided to plant a large (to me) garden.  My husband built me several boxes so that I could keep things orderly.  Everything was planted before I left, and my husband did the best he could taking care of it while I was gone.  When I came back I couldn’t believe how much everything had grown.  Honestly it was a little much for me to see because it was overgrown, there were weeds and it didn’t look anything like I had planned it to be.  That being said we are still getting a lot of vegetables from it.   One of the first things I decided to do was make pickles because we had so many cucumbers.  Yesterday I ran three batches of pickles through the canner.  I had planned on doing more, but my daughter came over so I put i

Diabetes diagnosis

 Several weeks ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.  At first, I was pretty upset, but realized that this might have been the kick in the butt I needed to live a healthier life.  I stopped eating sugar, started counting carbs, stopped eating out, and made major changes.   Here I am seven weeks later…..26 lbs lighter, feeling so much better than I have felt in a long time.  In fact, almost all of my hip pain is gone.  I can walk now without limping and/or having pain.   There was one little thing that I kept struggling with, and that was finding alternatives for some of the things I like.  I kept thinking about my birthday coming up, and was kind of sad that I couldn’t have cake.  Several people I know kept saying “just cheat” or “a little piece can’t hurt too bad”, but you know what?  It will hurt.  I knew if I started cheating I was going to just keep cheating and then it would all fall apart.  So, I started exploring alternative recipes for foods that I felt like I was missing o

Been super busy

I have been so busy lately that I haven’t found much time to blog.  I have been trying desperately to keep up with all the freeze dried apples my daughter likes to eat.  I swear she eats 1-2 quart jar sizes each day.   In addition to that I started to look at what seeds I want to plant.  My plans are to start them growing this week in my green house.  I have also been planning where to plant various seeds.  This is my first time ever planning a garden so I have done a lot of research on it.  I found there are certain types of plants that should be planted by others and vice versa.  My goal is to create the most beneficial garden that I can.   I can’t wait to start seeing the fruits of my labor.